Look, I apologize. I'm a shitty friend. This post should have been up a lot sooner than today, but I let other things distract me and I just didn't get around to it. I know, I know..."It's a matter of priority, Jim, not a matter of time." I get it. I won't make any excuses. Just hollow promises that I will be better in the following months. I'm sorry.
With that, it is with great pleasure that I give you THIS! That's right! The prestigious 2nd annual Slimy Limey award! I've ended every sentence in this paragraph with an exclamation point! Because I'm excited! Read this aloud and yell with me as I type! The beloved librarian, Eric joins us! E R I C ! Consider yourselves blessed! He's great! This is getting old! Fuck me!
This really is a fun episode and I hope you enjoy listening. We had a blast watching and discussing all of the films on our lists with you. Remember your homework: The Legend of Hell House and The Shadow of The Cat.