What exactly makes the Halloween episode different from our other episodes? Timing. That's all. Just timing. Everything else is the same. We talk about horror films and stuff and it's fun. We love this podcast and you should too.
We start out NOT talking about any books or music. We just head straight into the horrors with a bunch of movies that we've watched over the past few weeks. Ryan drops a bomb on everyone by admitting that he's just seen a classic for the first time in the past month. Jim babbles on about Fred Dekker movies that no one cares about, and there's some other fun stuff.
We eventually get to The Asphyx and Dracula: Prince of Darkness. Both great films, we thought, but John Weiners says otherwise with a scathing email about how bad he hates one of them.
For the Macabre Minute, we set up two heavyweight, classic horror films; Universal's classic The Mummy vs. Hammer's version of the same title. Who will win? Listen and find out!

Download Episode 17 HERE.
Films for next month:
The Kiss of the Vampire (1963)
Taste the Blood of Dracula (1970)
Happy Halloween!
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