Friday, May 17, 2013

Mountain Devil Prank Fails Horribly

V/H/S movie poster featuring Radio Silence by Tony Moore
During episode 13, we talked a bit about the movie V/H/S. It's an anthology film that Ryan and I both enjoyed, and I'm sure that most of you have seen it by now too.
The last story in the film, titled 10/31/98,  was made by a group of filmmakers who call themselves Radio Silence. According to Wikipedia, Radio Silence was brought into V/H/S after the director watched the YouTube video Mountain Devil Prank Fails Horribly. 

Check it out.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


We've awarded the first ever Slimy Limey Award to...nope...we're not going to let you cheat. You'll have to listen in order to find out which film was chosen!

It was a great time recording episode 13. Special thanks to Brian and Eric for Skyping in to chat with us for a bit. We'll have to do that more often. Maybe we can get some listeners in the UK to join us sometime.

During episode 13 we also went over our revamped top 10 lists. You want to see them? Okay, I won't tease you like I did at the beginning of this post with the Slimy Limey. Here they are:


1 - Tales From The Crypt

2 - Black Sabbath
3 - The Pit and the Pendulum
4 - The Mummy
5 - Woman In Black
6 - House of the Devil
7 - The Wicker Man
8 - Night Of The Seagulls
9 - The Devil Rides Out
10 - The Thing


1 - The Thing
2 - Jaws
3 - Ringu
4 - Poltergeist
5 - Horror of Dracula
6 - Burn, Witch, Burn
7 - Psycho
8 - Friday the 13th
9 - Jacob's Ladder
10 - Woman In Black

How do our lists stack up against yours? What would you dump? Add? Let us know at Cryptofthemacabre at Gmail dot com. 

Instead of closing this post with the regular "Wellington", I thought I'd share this picture that Brian posted on Twitter instead: 

Man. I laugh every time I look at it.

-Newt Gillon